Dr. Andreas F. Molisch

Andreas Molisch


Andy Molisch received his degrees (Dipl.Ing. 1990, PhD 1994, Habilitation 1999) from the Technical University Vienna, Austria. He spent the next 10 years in industry, at FTW, AT&T (Bell) Laboratories, and Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (where he rose to Chief Wireless Standards Architect). In 2009 he joined the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles, CA, as Professor, and founded the Wireless Devices and Systems (WiDeS) group. In 2017, he was appointed to the Solomon Golomb – Andrew and Erna Viterbi Chair.

His research interests revolve around wireless propagation channels, wireless systems design, and their interaction. Recently, his main interests have been wireless channel measurement and modeling for 5G and beyond 5G systems, joint communication-caching-computation, hybrid beamforming, UWB/TOA based localization, and novel modulation/multiple access methods. Overall, he has published 5 books (among them the textbook “Wireless Communications”, third edition in 2023), 22 book chapters, 300 journal papers, and 400 conference papers. He is also the inventor of 70 granted (and more than 10 pending) patents, and co-author of some 70 standards contributions. His work has been cited more than 60,000 times, his h-index is >100, and he is a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher.

Dr. Molisch has been an Editor of a number of journals and special issues, General Chair, Technical Program Committee Chair, or Symposium Chair of multiple international conferences, as well as Chairperson of various international standardization groups. He is a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, Fellow of the AAAS, Fellow of the IEEE, Fellow of the IET, an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, and a member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. He has received numerous awards, among them the IET Achievement Medal, the Technical Achievement Awards of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (Evans Avant-Garde Award) and the IEEE Communications Society (Edwin Howard Armstrong Award), and the Technical Field Award of the IEEE for Communications, the Eric Sumner Award.

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